Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Our Last Day

In class, we took a look at the CSTP's and TPE's to review what assessment is.
As teachers, we need to be able to progress monitor by using different measures including information from families, and assess students' academic growth of knowledge, skills, and behaviors.

There were so many good and super engaging lessons this week!

An amazing one involved the parts of a plant and the food that comes from the different parts.
We were even able to make guacamole and eat some chips!

categorizing food into plant parts

making guac

We also got to play with Rocket Shooters involving Alka Seltzer!

sadly, ours did not pop!
We learned that it is due to a chemical reaction with the water and gas.
The less water there is, the more the gas can build up to pop!

Oddly enough, I was a little sad that this class is over.
I never thought I would appreciate science, much less enjoy it...but I am definitely starting to love it, not only in the classroom but in my daily life!

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